White Ajah

An Ajah is a sub-organization within the Aes Sedai of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series. The smallest of the Ajahs, the White Ajah concerns itself with questions of philosophy, truth and logic.



They are headed by a woman known as the First Reasoner, who, in the White Tower, is Ferane Neheran.


Whites consider themselves beyond the social causes that drive most of the other Ajahs and believe that they have no place for the material knowledge that members of the Brown Ajah, and, to a lesser extent, Yellow Ajah, seek. Whites are often described as showing incredibly little emotion (coincidentally, and somewhat ironically, white is the colour of mourning in the Wheel of Time).

The White Ajah was the first Ajah to make the connection between the gentling crusade of the Red Ajah and the dwindling numbers of channelers, and suggested that gentled men should breed with Aes Sedai in the hope of producing more channelers. However, one sister suggested that, since the Whites had advocated the idea, they should therefore be the ones to bear these children. The Whites declined.

Relations with other Ajahs

In the past members of the White Ajah have been friendly with members of the Blue Ajah. In general, they opposed Reds; however, when Elaida a'Roihan was raised as Amyrlin Seat, Alviarin Freidhen, a White, was made her Keeper of the Chronicles, despite the unofficial tradition that the Keeper and the Amyrlin be raised from the same Ajah.



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